The 25th edition of "summer carnival" is back, which revives the squares of Jesolo with brilliant theatrical performances and commedia dell'arte, with evenings suitable for all ages.
Each show will start at 21:00 and admission is free.
The shows will take place on the following dates:
- Friday 7 July: The shrewd widow - piazza Mazzini
-Saturday 15th July: Deme na man - piazza Rivo Alto - Pineta
-Thursday 20 July: The Merchant of Venice - piazza Milano
-Tuesday 8 August: The Divine Comedy - piazza Mazzini
- Saturday 26 August: The amazing fortunes of Arlecchino - piazza Torino
The description of each show can be found in the following file: file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/DESCRIZIONE_SPETTACOLI%20(3).pdf
For more information:
Pazzi Theatre
tel. 320 4695365
Fb and Ig @teatrodeipazzi

Prenota Ora

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Hotel Loreley – Mirierossi snc – P.IVA 04165340276
Via Bafile, X° acc. al mare, 10 – 30016 Lido di Jesolo (VE) – Italy

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